Chambers and Associations Partnership Projects
Project status: ongoing
Chambers and Associations Partnership with Indian Biogas Association
The chambers and associations partnership between the German Biogas Association and the Indian Biogas Association (IBA) began in December 2015. The project, which is financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and managed by sequa gGmbH, is a six-year project and ends 30.11.2021 (extension until 31.05.2022)The goal of this partnership is to improve the framework conditions for biogas in India and to establish an association structure that is economically sustainable. As an association in the biogas industry, IBA is supposed to represent the interests of its members with regard to the construction and operation of biogas plants, to provide expert and active communication with the Indian government and relevant stakeholders, and to address the subject of biogas with a wide public audience. The Association supports IBA here with more than 25 years of experience in association work.
Project objectives include, among others, activities such as establishing an association structure and strategy, creating services for members, and providing training in various subject areas, publications as well as networking and lobbying activities. With this partnership, IBA took on the task of representing the biogas industry even more actively and with renewed vigour in political, scientific, economic and social arenas. In doing so, it pointed out its dedication to expanding clean energies in India.
Chamber and Association Partnership Programme (KVP) - Fachverband BIOGAS
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